Bandung Holiday Jakarta

Bandung & Jakarta so far

Bdg Jkt iconIt’s been almost 2 weeks I’m in Bandung for my long long holiday of the year! Bandung is the place where I was born and grew up as a rebel teenager !!@#$!??!! and became the best!! student of class 1992 (on different period of time, for sure!). This town remains the paradise for shoppers, eaters, and sleepers (like me..). But the trip to Jakarta with Benny ‘my bart’ last weekend was really fun. With one goal of him : Visiting Tandike to buy Karrimor bags – he’s a big fan of this brand of outdoor adventure gear.

Citroen tetangge
Neighbor's old school citroΓ«n !

Having chatted too much in the bus with Esti who was very kind to accompanied us and be our city tour guide, we forgot to stop at where we supposed to! You will never believe what this shop looks like, imagining from their website..Benny…hope we made you happy that day!

We tried various public transports : tourist mini bus from Bandung to Jakarta, Mikrolet, Kopaja, Mikrolet again, Busway – this is a must try and so fun, Bus Patas AC, Taxi, and finally being picked up by Wina – one my best friend from Jakarta in her nice (new ya?) car.

Naek Busway

Jakarta is a big (too big for me) city that has a black and white /contrast scenes from my ‘bird eye view’ : big n tall high rise buildings, supermal, shopping centre, department store, megamall – you name it, and a dirty polluted hectic bus station such as Blok M, and not to forget those people who are still living under poverty under the bridge.


The busy Jkt

When Benny’s got what he wants (of course he got me one nice Tyrlobyte black day pack with laptop bag inside!), it’s time for me to try what I’ve been really looked forward to : Gado gado Bon-Bin at Cikini IV street. It’s Gado gado (indonesian salad with peanut sauce) and Asinan (don’t know how to say it in english, but it’s all about the green stuff I love) are legend!!

Gado2 BonBin

Unfortunately the Maison Benny is closed 32 min before we got there..ohh no! Next time ya Win! Esti, Wina, thank you from me and Benny for this short but fun Jalan jalan!!!..


We are duo travel-food blogger and photographer living in the island of Bali, passionate in sharing Bali travel tips & ideas, and Bali culinary delights on our Bali Travel & Food blogs : (english) and (indonesian)

Follow this Duo Blogger & Photographer on Twitter : @gabybali and @bartcatapult Check out our other websites : (Bali Photography) (Bali Web Developer)

5 thoughts on “Bandung & Jakarta so far

  1. πŸ˜€ You are an amazing true partner in my life.. a very nice to talk person, you are. A good listener and comfort place to share all the stories with.and a warm, big heart girl I love. Success in 2009 Bee! Be Peace!

  2. Bee, wow, u’ve been success made me jeaulous yeee,..
    emang enak jd backpacker, kalau kemana-mana….that’s what i learn from him, aak luki πŸ˜‰
    Hwaaa, esti, i do miss her so muchhhh,…

    well, jad blogger ye lu skrg?! nice step, pals πŸ˜‰
    ok, have a great weekend,..take care Bee…muah!!

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