Spiritual Thought of the day


Have you ever done something stupid and some big mistakes in your life to get something or someone just because you are afraid to loose it/him/her? That you regret afterward and wish you can turn back time and did not do those foolish things.

It’s ironic that being wise, controlled, responsible, think 1000 times before you do something bad that would effect your whole life,and even worse – ruin someone else’s life, mostly come after going through some rough times as a result of your stupidity in your past.

Specially when you sacrifice something precious, priceless, invaluable, and holy. It’s so irreplaceable, so unworthy with all the pains, sorrows, troubles you have to face, years and years afterward.

BUT, it is so worthwhile when you give up and surrender things that you love – you think it’s your whole life, for something or someone that is eternal, everlasting, wonderful, glorious, marvelous, magnificent, for the holiest and faithful one.

Will you do ANYTHING not to loose The Joy, The Truth, and The Life?



We are duo travel-food blogger and photographer living in the island of Bali, passionate in sharing Bali travel tips & ideas, and Bali culinary delights on our Bali Travel & Food blogs : www.beeamazing.com (english) and www.wisatakulinerbali.com (indonesian)

Follow this Duo Blogger & Photographer on Twitter : @gabybali and @bartcatapult Check out our other websites : www.passionoftheday.com (Bali Photography) http://www.risanto.com (Bali Web Developer)


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