

Sanur Fest iconTaking theme this year : The New Spirit of Heritage – Marine Life, Sanur Village Festival had taken place from 12 – 16 August 2009, along Sanur Beach coastal area, starting from Pantai Matahari Terbit (the Sunrise Beach), to the main area of festival : Mertasari Beach. Yes, in Sanur, there are several beach access with its own name on each village. Sanur has been known as its laid back atmosphere, from sunrise till sunset, there is no loud ‘house’ music, drunken tourists on the street, annoying freelance illegal guides offering expensive villa membership we will never use, nor t-shirtless surfers on motorbike wearing no helmet – usual scenes you can always witness in Kuta or Seminyak.

There were so many programs and activities being held on this 5 days event. And beside the beach venues, they also organized some workshop and exhibition at some hotel venues on this area.

– Art Exhibition
– Asia Africa Art & Culture Festival
– Balinese Food Festival
– Bali Strongest man
– 3 on 3 Basketball streetball
– Beach Rugby
– Beach Soccer
– Culinary Challenge 2009 (ICA)
– Cartoon Exhibition
– City Tour and Fun Bike
– Coral Plantation
– Food Bazaar
– Indonesian traditional ‘Independence Day’ games
– ‘Jukung‘ (traditional fisherman boat) Competition
– Kite Festival
– Music & Cultural Show
– Photography Workshop
– Sanur Golf Tournament
– Surfing
– Wind Surfing & Kite Surfing
are among this full day packed annual festival, with many other interesting activities.

I really had a hard time choosing the best pics from Benny’s best photo collection during 2 festival days we visited. They are all gorgeous, stunning, and colorful!

On the last day of Festival we went on Sunday, 16 Aug’09, it was a very hot sunny day, the hot temperature got nearly 39 C degree, I think! And specially watching Kite Festival by the beach had really bronzed our skin, Benny even got a quite severe sunburn on the face, now we really should find a way how to not to have a red peeled skin nose, even though you have applied sufficient sunblock on the face, when you’re wearing sunglasses, other part of your face : cheek bones, nose are still exposed to the sun. It took more than a week for me and Bart to look ‘normal’ without people starring at our faces strangely (yes, we were ugly afterward!).

One HOT sunny day in Sanur!
One HOT sunny day in Sanur!

Here are some of the best highlight events of the festival :


Blossoming in the dark sky - The Blue Below, art exhbition by Yani M Sastranegara, Jakarta
Blossoming in the dark sky – The Blue Below, an art exhibition by Yani M Sastranegara, Jakarta


The making of famous 'Bali Guling' / Suckling Pig, it takes passion & hours!
The making of famous ‘Bali Guling’ / Suckling Pig, it takes passion & hours!
Preparing 'Lawar' (most famous Balinese dish). It takes art & excitement of mixing all the spices!
Preparing ‘Lawar’ (most famous Balinese dish). It takes art & excitement of mixing all the spices!


Cartoon exhibition

Cartoon fish on TV


Food Festival Sanur-tents

Food Carving on Culinary Challenge’09 (ICA)

mommy!! that watermelon turned out scarrry!!...
mommy!! that watermelon turned out scarrry!!…

Gold medal winning cheese carving..(melt! melt!)
Gold medal winning cheese carving..(melt! melt!)

(overwhelmed & confused in choosing among 30+  stunning photos!)

Kite Festival-1

Bebean - Balinese giant kite
Bebean – Balinese giant kite
Balinese Kite green troupe :)
Balinese Kite green troupe 🙂

Absolute Kite

PILLOW FIGHTING – Independence Day Games

Swing it hard kid, come on!!..
Swing it hard kid, come on!!..

More info on Sanur and the past events, check out the website www.gotosanur.com


We are duo travel-food blogger and photographer living in the island of Bali, passionate in sharing Bali travel tips & ideas, and Bali culinary delights on our Bali Travel & Food blogs : www.beeamazing.com (english) and www.wisatakulinerbali.com (indonesian)

Follow this Duo Blogger & Photographer on Twitter : @gabybali and @bartcatapult Check out our other websites : www.passionoftheday.com (Bali Photography) http://www.risanto.com (Bali Web Developer)


5 thoughts on “SANUR VILLAGE FESTIVAL 12-16 AUGUST 2009

  1. @Bart : Thanks so much for doing such amazing photos for me xoxo
    @soulharmony : tinggal di Bali or Kalimantan nih??? Thanks for stopping by on my blog

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