Bali Lover People

BALI LOVER – Gita Ernida Wauran

Gita IconLiving and working in Bali for many people is a privilege. If others should pay millions to buy air tickets, hotel, food & beverage, rent a car, etc to enjoy Bali for 4-5 days stay only, this blessed people such as my second BALI LOVER guest, Gita Ernida Wauran aka GEE, originally from Bandung, West Java, get actually paid to have a weekly relaxing sun bathing on the beach, and change the beach every week, know how to get a good food at affordable price and be where locals go. And we met in Denpasar years ago when we both lived under the same roof of a small boarding house for fellow Javanese working in Bali..:)

She had lived in Bali for 6 years, worked for some majors multi-national companies, one of them is : Quiksilver (Surfing industry) where she really found her new improved Gita among her party goers fellow workers, got tons of new friends and made her life on the island so much enjoyable, until one day her Prince Charming came to pick her up and brought her into a whole new world of fantasy she could hardly imagine : A mother…She is also a blogger (who has abandoned her blog since breastfeeding and changing diapers took her time and energy away…J ), and a photoshop junky , and lives now in the busiest city of the country, Jakarta! Let’s find out how exciting her new life is !

Hi GEE! What you’ve been up to?  : Oh, Hi! I’m doing a best job in the world now : A happy house wife and a MOTHER, yay!  😉

latest selfpic

That’s amazing! But I noticed  you are blogging as well ,right?: Yes! My blog is and am trying so hard to get back on blogging when my beautiful daughter, Princess Kai situation would ease a little bit, knowing that her mom desperately need to update her blog, write and write..!

Tell us in brief about your current job and what do you like the most about it, and things you prefer to avoid in work : Being a full time mother is something I could never imagine before. In the last one year I experienced a changing status transition!

I used to be a single career woman. Now I am a Housewife! Since I got married and had a baby girl, I decided to quit from my last job. Stay at home, focus on delightfully taking care of the baby.

This quote became my motto: “The secret of joy in work is contained in one word: EXCELLENCE. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it” – Pearl S. Buck. Yes, always enjoy my job and work with heart whatever it is…whenever it is…both in office or at home.

When I used to work on an office job, these are 3 (three) things that must be avoided: Stressfulness, procrastination, and conflict with colleagues or Boss.

I noticed your passion is : playing with Photoshop. Tell us what’s so fun about it! And show us one of your ‘masterpiece’, please ! Playing on the Photoshop has become my hobby since 2005. It began with a bunch of low quality pictures (Blur, unfocused, or Pics which I look so ugly on) kept in a trash bin. My sense of art “whispered” me to take a responsibility not to let those useless pics deleted permanently from the trash. Then I started to find a way how to recycle it into something new and  creative. I was so lucky to be surrounded by friends who work as graphic designer. I learned how they play and work with Adobe Photoshop, ‘stole’ the techniques and started to practice doing it by myself.

Here’s one  of my ‘masterpiece’

GEE photoshop masterpiece

How long did you live and work in Bali? I lived in Bali for 6 years (2001-2007)

Will you ever think about going back living in Bali? Why? Absolutely! Bali is a second home to me. It’s quite different from other cities in Indonesia. I love the sceneries, the culture, the people, the atmosphere. It’s so beautiful…It’s like living in a paradise;-)

What’s your favorite place/spot in to hang out in Bali?
: Blue Ocean Beach, Halfway Beach, Dreamland, Padang-padang.
Club/ nightlife
: Sky Garden, Double Six, Hard Rock Cafe
Soho, ESC, Papa’s Café, Rumors, Zanzibar, Lanai Café, Warung 69 Benesari, Bakudapa, Café Sendok (Beer time with friends!),Warung Itali, Warung Nikmat, Warung Nuri Ubud.

Name one place/area in Bali you are picturing your dream house/villa built on and why: Balangan or Pecatu…Peaceful and has a great sea view!

What do you like most about Bali? The people, the beach and the sunset

What do you dislike the most about Bali? Speedy motorbikers (they can’t read the street signs), Wankers, Gigolos, vendors around the beach offering fake tattoes, sarong and ‘kepang’/plait hair! Discrimination or some sort of racism by our own people:  Clubs that applying charges to local but free entrance fee to westerners, da’!

What’s your favorite activity to do in Bali? Biking on the weekend or after work to see the sunset at Blue Ocean Beach or Halfway Beach

What do you want to see in Bali in the next decade? F1 International Circuit!

What does BALI mean to you? Bali is a place of memories. It’s really Magnetic! Always make me want to come back. 99% of my soul is attached to this island! (Oh wow, then you should really come back living in Bali,Gee! –

What would you like to say to readers who love Bali as much as you do? If you love Bali, respect and love it as you love your own land. Bali will love you back! J

Thank you for the nice chat, GEE! Keep blogging for us!

Follow Gita on Twitter !


We are duo travel-food blogger and photographer living in the island of Bali, passionate in sharing Bali travel tips & ideas, and Bali culinary delights on our Bali Travel & Food blogs : (english) and (indonesian)

Follow this Duo Blogger & Photographer on Twitter : @gabybali and @bartcatapult Check out our other websites : (Bali Photography) (Bali Web Developer)

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