On this first post of a new series on my blog featuring people who lives, resides, ever lived, or even visited Bali, but they left their heart on this island, or considering this island is their life, their home, I would like to share with you what my friends, or fellow bloggers, think about Bali, given its famous name on the tourism destination spotlight in the world (yup! Bali has been voted as one of the best island or the best spa destination in the world by many well reputable and prestigious world wide medias).
My first BALI LOVER guest is Jeff Kristianto. Originally from Bogor, West Java. Between his busy times managing his business, and play a big role in BEDO (Bali Export Development Organisation) and Bali Creative Community, he spares his free time to share his love and care God gifted to him, to take care of some projects for disabled people in Bali, giving them sufficient trainings and courses to enable them entering into the real working world. Our online interview took place in the middle of a windy and rainy Jimbaran.
Hi Jeff, can you tell us about what you do in Bali : I manage my own business ASIALINE, designing & manufacturing home décor & crafts for export & cooperate gift. ASIALINE supplies good quality crafts from Indonesia, with Batik wood as our main products. Beside managing this company, I also design our products. It’s an exciting experience to make something from idea to reality, and to bring a piece of Indonesia handcraft to the world.

How long have you been living & working in Bali? 18 years
What’s your favorite place/spot in to hang out in Bali ? Actually, I own restaurant, partnering with my friends, and it’s my favorite place…J Warung Warung at Bali Galeria Mall and Onde Onde Indonesian Restauran at Kartika Plaza street, in Kuta.
Name one place/area in Bali you are picturing your dream house/villa built on: UBUD !
What do you like most about Bali? Tolerance & multi-culture, Bali is a international melting pot. You can easily meet people from other side of the world.
What do you dislike the most about Bali? Too many villas destroyed rice fields, it will destroys Bali in the future.
What’s your favorite activity to do in Bali? Have fun with friends on the beach.
And how about food in Bali, do you like Balinese food : Lovvve Nasi Campur. And Warung Warung is my favorite place.. to get this fav menu of mine! hehe..
How do you want to see Bali in the future? I don’t mind any development, but it should also be considering environment, local culture & great green concept. Can you imagine that I have to see ‘Tart Cake’ style house beside rice field !
What does BALI mean to you? Home. (BeeAmazing : agree!)
What would you like to say to www.beeamazing.com readers who love Bali as much as you do? Bali is one place that you have to visit before you die. Come to Bali, and bring a piece of happiness home !
Where to find Jeff :
ASIALINE : www.asialinebali.com
BEDO : www.be-do.org
Bali Creative Community : http://www.balicreativecommunity.org
Twitter : www.twitter.com/JeffKristianto
New update on Jeff life adventure : Jeff is in a voluntary project at Tajikistan with a non-profit organization called VSO. Looks like he’s enjoying his time there, and hopefully he’ll be back soon to this sun,sea,sand island of Bali!
great article thanks for sharing dear 🙂
Thanks for the interview with Jeff! Going to check out the ASIALINE site now. Lots of interesting goods. And its encouragind that he leans toward being environmentally and socially responsible!
.-= Daniel´s last blog ..Itinerary—where to first on a RTW trip? =-.
@Ilunamanna : Thanks so much for stopping by on my blog!
@Daniel : Jeff is indeed a guy with endless concern on empowering unfortunate people particularly in Bali to get ready working on a real world, yet he manages to keep up with the fast pace of his beautiful handicraft business.
Thanks for your comment, Daniel!
Thanks to give a chance to share my experience at your blog, Bee.