

bike-rider8 Years in Bali. I still could scream and swear to a motorbike rider who passed my car and cut the line in front of me, or a mother with her 2 kids – no one wearing helmet, just suddenly came out from small road, she didn’t even care to look behind from the rear views that there is a car who is coming her way.

I still can’t understand why people here couldn’t care less of others.
Self discipline is something that people lack of here….

Unlike in Jakarta or Bandung – the main two cities in Indonesia I know them well, in Bali, the right side of the road could be used for a 20-40km/hour speed – slower than someone with Bike to Work sticker on its bike, a big truck carrying tons of mineral water, or a Driving Course car….

Honking means you are looking for trouble, and people could really get mad if you continuously do that to them,even if they’re the one who blocked your way and pissed you off!! Unbelievable..

I think they all need a lesson of how to drive safely and understand the street signs…and! traffic lights : RED means STOP!! When it’s gonna be…only the birds in the sky know..:)

Some years ago, I tried to do the same as people here – you know, they said when you are in Rome, do as Romans do.

With Bart, we were just 2 seconds after the red light, and we thought it would be fine, but there he was, a policeman stopped us (and the rest is history, if you know what I mean).

I just think this is unfair, those who blatantly violating the traffic rules could get away with this, while me and Bart who always try to be a good citizen, really didn’t get a chance, not even one rule breakage!!…

Hehe…meaning you should always be true to yourself. Keep believing what you think is right is the right thing to do.


We are duo travel-food blogger and photographer living in the island of Bali, passionate in sharing Bali travel tips & ideas, and Bali culinary delights on our Bali Travel & Food blogs : (english) and (indonesian)

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