Health People

PONARI – The Child Witch Doctor

You know, when you’re sick, normally you go to a doctor. No no no, this is not Doctor’s Fee – FOC Part 2.

They are people who studied for a certain period of time in a university to be able to cure a sick person, and Itrust them as people who know what they’re doing. I told this before, both of my parents are doctors.

And I know nowadays alternative medicine & therapy are also so popular, as some people believe chemical medicine the doctors give you such as antibiotics could damage your internal organ, ie. kidney for a long term and continuous consumption. I guess for traditional & alternative medicine as long as you know what you’re taking is save for your body, than it is acceptable.

But I just don’t get it ! when I read the newspaper and saw on TV, thousands of people are willing to queue and evenspend the nights in front of a 10 year-old kid’s house,named PONARI in Jombang,East Java,Indonesia whom theybelieve has an almighty power to cure sickness by only dipping his hand holding a stone he admitted was given by the‘sky above’ through lightning to a glass of water.

His neighbor was his first patient coincidently, then the news spreaded around the area very fast.

Seeing that much of people with a hope that their sickness will go away only by drinking a water from Ponari’s stone made me sad. Not only it’s ridiculous, but it shows people out there how bad our medical service is in the country.

If only the Government is able to provide free health facilities specially to the poor people, none of these would happen. I’m talking about 5 people died while they were waiting for Ponari, the elders who could not even get an air to breath with so many crowd around. This is insane.


photo courtesy of


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4 thoughts on “PONARI – The Child Witch Doctor

  1. so sad to see how some people in Indonesia have to do an irrational thing like that. I saw on TV, a woman put her ID Card on a bowl of water before it is passed to Ponari!?! that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.

    So…What the doctors are???? We all know why it happens…

    In my opinion, there 3 main causes:
    #1. Lack of education
    #2. Expensive cost of health services
    #3. Less information on health

    Mr. President, think about that!

  2. This is madness. I know things like this always happen in Indonesia, but it still amazes me how people were still misled by this phenomena.
    My friend even emailed me couple days ago telling me that now people start selling those waters that have been “hand-dipped” personally by Ponari which are believed can cure people sicknesses. Come on…how more ridiculous this could be.

    Steven’s last blog post..Using Twitter in Surgery?

  3. yah jenenge uwong…..yo ndeso rep opo meneh…?
    to much believe in irrational things…….
    need more improvements…….
    this can be a new competitor in business also hehehe
    kumaha maneh lah…..

  4. @sava geetha,@Steven, @Yuki : thanks for the comments! Ponari is one phenomena in our country, and I know there are still some fake ponaris/ponari wanna be outhere, as long as the medical services in Indonesia are not making any progress

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