

Aug’08 was the first time I wrote my blog, I made it on Blogspot, at and writing was my long hidden passion that Bart has successfully helped to reveal it. But to get broader readers as well as trying to make money online, I decided to use WordPress free blog program (NOT one!)  to realize my online, and found it more benefits from paying my preferred domain name and hosting a server (thanks,Bart!).

I also have submitted my blog to some social media site such as Digg (thanks to Steven-Pensacola,US), Delicious (social bookmark), off course Facebook, and Twitter (love this one soo..much!), but don’t quite get it why PayPerPost hasn’t approved my blog even tough I’ve written more than 20 articles for the last 3 months, they approved it right away when I submitted my Blogspot blog, perhaps they are partner on this.

Having believed not all my close friends are wiling to support me by reading my blog (either they’re too busy updating their photos and status on Facebook or they can’t understand my english or maybe they just don’t care enough about me), I was surprised to find on my webstats that Indonesia is the no.1 rank of my readers with 54,687 hits up to 1 April 2009,followed by USA (15,676 hits)! Russian Federation,Germany, Romania on the Top 5 country readers!!!

But if Indonesians are my no.1 readers, then why didn’t they bother to leave comment on any article posted?? I guess the answer are back to the questions aforementioned…


Latest update on 16 July’09 : Since the last couple of months, USA is now my no.1 readers (thanks to Twitter & Digg)


We are duo travel-food blogger and photographer living in the island of Bali, passionate in sharing Bali travel tips & ideas, and Bali culinary delights on our Bali Travel & Food blogs : (english) and (indonesian)

Follow this Duo Blogger & Photographer on Twitter : @gabybali and @bartcatapult Check out our other websites : (Bali Photography) (Bali Web Developer)

9 thoughts on “THANK YOU, INDONESIA!

  1. Hai Bee, mgk byk yang gak mau komen ke elo, karna takut bahasa inggrisnya gak se-gape elo,…for example: gue, lol!!!

    Nice to hear it, bee….gile blog elo tmbh improve aje


  2. Hi Bee .. It is so good to see someone from Bali with their own blog and learning+studying about how to blog and marketing etc. I would not worry about comments too much, provided you keep to continue good quality posts which are of value to your readers then they will make comments and start to become involved with you, and support you 🙂 I am from Perth so who knows maybe one day we will meet and can have a blog workshop in one of theose beautiful cafes in Seminyak or by the beach!!! Have a lovely day, keep up the good work and thanx for your comment on my blog 🙂 Paul

    Paul Saunders’s last blog post..How to simplify your life – right now!

  3. waah nggak nyangka udah jauh banget loe ya bie… it’s cool bie, and i like ur tag “learn from mistakes”… wonderful!!

  4. Hi Paul!!Nice to hear from of Perth!!
    I asked my bf,Benny, who showed me these links to have the latest post of someone who left a comment on our blog.He helps me a lot with the technical things of my blog (he’s reachable at or you can follow him on Twittter at )

    He said you need to install this on your WP blog :

    Thanks for the thoughts & comments,Paul! Yes, hope to welcome you in Bali!!! Can you teach surfing too? I’m still scared with the wave a bit, but love beaches & sun so much.

  5. Gaby, I’m glad I can help.

    Btw, I just found this blog that offers free 31 days tutorial for blogging. if you are interested, go to I have been following this guy for a while, and it seems that he can help up a lot in blogging.

    Ok. Keep blogging! It’s great to have a fellow blogger like you.

    Steven’s last blog post..7 Surprising Facts About Sleep

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