

On 9 April 2009, Indonesia had the Legislative Election ‘very well’ executed. How come it’s not ‘well’ organised, so many people with the voting right did not find their names on the DPT List or list of voter. I have no idea what system they are using for registering the voters, but having a 12 years old kid come to the election place when he is not eligible yet for this right is just ridiculous. Not to mention, a Governor of Central Java almost lost his voting right as he did not find his name on the list. Talking about a well organised Election this year! One thing I know, I lost my “Starbucks moment” on this election.

A friend of mine, Sava Geetha on her blog http://sevensava.wordpress.com/2009/04/09/abstain/ wrote about her choice, and stressing her human rights NOT to vote or being abstain, as she finds no ‘caleg‘ or representative people that is good enough to lead this country into a better direction. Geetha thinks all politicians are just dirty, money oriented, thus they fail to gain her trust. She also stated this again on her Facebook status and another Indonesian blog at http://savageetha.blogdetik.com/2009/04/04/pemilu-4-hari-lagi-so-what-2/ that got most comments from Indonesian readers, and some dropped the harsh ones, specially from those who are PRO-VOTING, and I can not ignore not to quote them here :

– “From over thousands of candidates, aren’t there just one that fits ‘your criteria’ ?”,
– “There ain’t a perfect 10, for sure, but definitely there’s 7,can’t you choose just one of them?”,
– “It is sad to see how stupid ignorant and shallow thinker you are, and there are lots of you in this country, and they feel so proud of themselves.Do you even pay taxes ?”,
– “People died for this country, and all you can do is abstain?”

Although I was dying to vote this year and would not miss it for the world,and I have to agree with those ruthless comments on Geetha’s blog, still they need to respect other’s people choice. I believe Geetha has another smart way to contribute to her loving country.

I personally want to be part of the CHANGE! And will make sure my name is on the list for he ‘Pilpres’ or Presidential Election on 9 July 2009. I’d say to Geetha this time : VOTE FOR YOUR LIFE, SAVA GEETHA! Cheers! 🙂



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One thought on “VOTE FOR YOUR LIFE!

  1. Thanks for putting the links to my blog, Bee.

    It came to my surprise when the comments from Indonesian readers keep coming to my blog re: abstain. Some of them are Pro and neutral. The rest are contra. People who pro voting raised harsh questions and claimed me stupid, not responsible, ignorant, arrogant…bla..bla..bla..

    That’s ok, I appreciate all the comments. People should be free to express what they trust and they don’t about their own country.

    Legislative Election has passed, hope all the voters and were honest to themselves. Choose the capable one. Seeing on TV, some of voters said they actually had no idea which legislator to choose. Too much unknown profile made them confuse. Is that the so called the real voting? I don’t think so ;-p

    Enjoy the starbucks anyway hehehe

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