The `kissing’ ritual of Sesetan, Denpasar BALI
Tags: Bali, Culture, Events, Photography
1 | gabybali
YAY!!Kissing Festival! Only in Bali, these are awesome,Bart! great captures!! See the look on the spectators? They all want to participate too, for sure!!
2 | BaliYummyBlog
woahhh…..keren2 bgt fotonyaaa…ekspresi org2nya semua dapet bangetssss!!!! Itu ibu2 ikutan yahh!!!Aku jg liat, kena semprot air dari pecalang, huhhh!!!
3 | Bart
Hi GabyBali and BaliYummyBlog! Thanks for your compliments ;)..I will go there next year and take a good position to get a good shot!